Friday 25 September 2015

SAP ABAP DATA Types and Uses in real time codes

BAP/4 – Advanced Business Application Programming Language.
4 – 4th Generation Language.
It is Not Case Sensitive.
Is Event Driven Programming Language.
This overview describing applications programming in the R/3 System. All applications programs, along with parts of the R/3 Basis system, are written in the ABAP Workbench using ABAP, SAP’s programming Language. The individual components of application programs are stored in a special section of the database called the R/3 Repository. The R/3 Repository serves as a central store for all of the development objects in the R/3 System. The following sections of this documentation cover the basics and characteristics of application programming.
A – Advanced
B – Business
A – Application(s)
P – Programming
Program :
A Program Is Group Of Meaningful Instructions.
An Instruction is Group of
Keywords + Variables + Operators + Data Types
Keywords :
Syntax : Each ABAP statement Should begin with a keyword and ends with a period.
Since Each Statement Should Start with a Keyword. It is Difficult to give the exact no. of Keywords So that Keywords are Divided into Different Types Depends On the Functionality Of the Keywords.
Types Of Keywords :
Declarative Key words : To Declare Variables.
Syntax for Variables : DATA < Var. Name> TYPE <Data Types>.
Database Keywords : To Work With Database Operations Such as
SELECT – To Select Data
INSERT – To Insert Data
UPDATE – To Change Data
DELETE – To Delete Data etc.
Control Keywords :
Statements are used to control the flow of an ABAP program within a processing block according to certain conditions.
Ex :
Definition Keywords are used to define Re-usable Modules (Blocks)
Ex :
Calling Keywords :
Are used to call Re-usable Modules (Blocks) that are already defined.
Operational Key Words :
To Process the data that you have defined using declarative statements.
Event Keywords :
Statements containing these keywords are used to define event blocks.
Ex : TOP-OF-PAGE To Print the Same Heading On the TOP Of Every Page.
END-OF-PAGE To Print the Same FOOTER for every Page on the Output List.
Date Types and Objects (Variables)
The physical units with which ABAP statements work at routine are called internal program data objects. The contents of a data occupy memory space in the program. ABAP
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statements access these contents by addressing the name of the data object. Each ABAP data objects has a set of technical attributes which are fully defined at all times when an ABAP program is running. The technical attributes of a data object are : Data Type, Field Length and Number of Decimal Places.
ABAP Contains the following Pre-defined Data Types :
Non-Numeric Data Types :
Character String (C)
Numeric Character String (N)
Date (D)
Time (T)
Numeric Types :
Integer (I)
Floating-point number (F)
Packed Number (P)
The Field Length for data types D, F, I and T is fixed. The field length determines the number of bytes that the data object occupies in memory. In types C, N, X and P, the length is not part of the type definition. Instead, you define it when you declare the data object in your program.
Data Type P is particularly useful for exact calculations in a business context. When you define an object with type P, you also specify a number of decimal places.
You can also define your own elementary data types in ABAP using the TYPES statements. You base these on the predefined data types. This determines all of the technical attributes of the new data type. For example, you could define a data type P_2 with two decimal places on the predefined data type P. You could then use the new type in your data declarations.
Predefine Elementary ABAP Types : All field lengths are specified in bytes.
Data Types
Initial Field Length
Valid Field
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Initial Value
Numerica Types
Integer (Whole Number)
Floating Point Number
Packed Number
Character (Non-Numeric) Types
Text Field
(Alphanumeric Characters)
Date Field
(Format : YYYYMMDD)
‘0 … 0’
Numeric Text Fields
(Numeric Characters)
Time Field
(Format : HHMMSS)
Note : Data Type N is not a numeric type. Type N objects can only contain number characters (0…….9) but are not represented internally as numbers. Typical type N fields are account numbers and zip codes.
Integers – Type 1
The value range of type 1 numbers is -2**31 to 2**31-1 and includes only whole numbers. Non-integer results of arithmetic operations (e.g. fractions) are rounded, not truncated.
You can use type 1 data for counters, number of items, indexes, time periods, and so on.
Packed Numbers – Type P
Type P data allows digits after the decimal point. The number of decimal places is generic, and is determined in the program. The value range of type P data depends on its size and number of digits after the decimal point. The valid size can by any value from 1 to 16 bytes. Two decimal digits are packed into one byte, while the last byte contains one digit and the sign. When working with type P data, it is a good idea to set the program attributes Fixed point arithmetic. Otherwise, type P numbers are treated as integers.
Note : You can use type P data for such values as distances, weights, amounts of money, and so on.
Floating Point Numbers – Type F
The value ranges of type F numbers is 1×10**-307 to 1×10**308 for positive and negative numbers, including 0 (zero). The accuracy range is approximately 15 decimals, depending on the floating pointarithmetic of the hardware platform. Since type F data is internally converted to a binary system, rounding errors can occur. Although the ABAP processor tries to minimize these effects, you should not use type F data if high accuracy is required. Instead, use type P data.
You use type F fields when you need to cope with very large ranges and rounding errors are not critical.
Using I and F fields for Calculations is quicker than using P fields.
Operations using I and F fields are very similar to the actual machine code operations, while P fields requires more support from the software. Nevertheless, you have to use type P data to meet accuracy or value range requirements.
Character (Non-Numeric) Types :
Of the five non-numeric types, the four types C,D, N and T are characters types. Fields with these types are known as character field. Each position in one of these fields talks up enough space for the code of the character. Currently, ABAP only works with single-byte codes such as ASCII and EBCDI. However, an adaptation to UNICODE is in preparation. Under UNICODE, each character occupies two or four bytes.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

SAP Classical Reports Event Interview Questions ABAP Events Report

Hi Guys ,

From a theoretical point of viw this is often one of the most asked Interview questions while appying for an ABAPers Job. please learn it by heart if you want a crack at the interview.

Events in Classical Reports
Below are the list and sequence of events available under classical reports, each event has it`s own importance .


This event is used to load program into memory for execution and this is the first event in execution sequence.


This event is used to initialize variables, screen default values and other default actions.

At Selection-Screen output

By using this event we can manipulate dynamic selection-screen changes.

At Selection-Screen on field

This event is used to validate a single selection-screen input parameter.
Syntax: AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON <parameter name>. "Validate a input parameter 

At Selection-Screen on value request

This event is used to provide value help ( field help ) for a input field.
Syntax: AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE REQUEST FOR <parameter name>. "Input search help for a input parameters 

At Selection-Screen on help request

By using this event we can provide F1 help for a input field.
Syntax: AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON HELP REQUEST FOR <parameter name>. "Input (F1) help for a input parameters 

At Selection-Screen

This event is used to validate multiple input fields
Syntax: AT SELECTION-SCREEN . "used to validate multiple input fields 


This is default event which is used to write actual business logic .
Syntax: START-OF-SELECTION . "Default event 


We can use this event just to state that start-of-selection is ended, this event is used with logical databases, logical databases are in HR ABAP only. In normal ABAP we don`t have much importance .
Syntax: END-OF-SELECTION . "Start of selection is ended 


This event prints constant heading for all pages.
Syntax: TOP-OF-PAGE . "Page heading 


This event prints constant footer for all pages.
Before using this event, we need to reserve some lines for displaying footer .
Syntax: END-OF-PAGE . "Page footer 
Example: REPORT ZPROGRAM LINE-COUNT 27(3). " Here we reserve 3 lines for footer 


Below I have listed the basic differences. Feel free to comment further more.


This method is also called as ‘CLASSICAL METHOD’.
Asynchronous processing.
Synchronous Processing in database update.
Transfer data for more than one transaction.
Batch input processing log will be generated.
During processing, no transaction is started until the previous transaction has been written to the database.

This is another method to transfer data from the legacy system.

Synchronous processing. The system performs a database commit immediately before and after the CALL TRANSACTION USING statement.
Updating the database can be either synchronous or asynchronous. The program specifies the update type.
Transfer data for a single transaction.
Transfers data for a sequence of dialog screens.
No batch input processing log is generated.

Among the two methods call transaction is better compared to session bcoz data transfer is faster in it.

Differences between call transaction and session.

Session Method:
1) Data is not updated in the database table until the session is processed.
2) No sy-subrc is returned.
3) Error log is created for error records.
4) Updation is always synchronous.

Call Transaction Method:

1) Immediate updation in the database table.
2) sy-subrc is returned.
3)Error need to be handled explicitly.
4) updation can be synchronous as well as asynchronous.

2) ya u can use using the N mode no screen.

3)u can't handle multiple transaction in call transaction.

4) u can handle multiple transaction in session using the BDC_INSERT fm.

5)When u go to SM35 u can able to see the error records.

Which is best?

That depends on your requirement. Both of them have there advantages.
According to the situation u can choose any one of these.

difference between batch input and call transaction in BDC Session method.
1) synchronous processing.
2) can tranfer large amount of data.
3) processing is slower.
4) error log is created
5) data is not updated until session is processed.
Call transaction.
1) asynchronous processing
2) can transfer small amount of data
3) processing is faster.
4) errors need to be handled explicitly
5) data is updated automatically

For session method,these are the function modules to b used.

For call transaction,this is the syntax.
MODE A or E or N
Take a scenario where we need to post documents in FB01 and the input file has say 2000 records (2000 documents, not line items in FB01 but 2000 records)

In the BDC call transaction method
We call the transaction FB01 2000 times (once for each record posting) and if the processing fails in record no 3 it can be captured and start with reocord 4.
Eg: Loop at itab.
call transaction FB01
capture errors

In the session method.
We do not explicity call the transaction 2000 times, but all the records are appeneded into a session and this session is stored. The processinf of the session is done wwhenever the user wants it to be done. Hence the errors cannot be captured in the program itself

Batch Input Session method is asynchronous as told by others here. But the advantage of this is that you have all the error messages and the data for each transaction held persistantly. You don't have to code anything for processing them or writing the logs.

But at the same time, the same feature can be disadvantageous if you need to react to an error or if there are too many errors to manually correct in a session. Since the session are created in the program and its execution is done seperately, you loose the trackability of such transactions.

With a call transaction, what was a disadvantage above will become an advantage. Call transaction immediately gives you messages back and you can react to it in your program. But the disadvantage is that, if you have several hundreds of transactions to run, running them from within the program can be resource crunching affair. It will hamper the system performance and you cannot really distribute the load. Of course, you have some mechanisms with which you can overcome this, but you will have to code for it. Also, storing the messages and storing the errored transaction data etc will have to be handled by you in the program. Whereas, in batch input session, your program's job is to just create the session, after that everything is standard SAP system's responsibility.

Ideally, you should do a call transaction if the resources are not a problem and if it fails, put the errored transaction into a session.

You can decide based on the data volume that your BDC is processing. If data volume is high go for session else call transaction will do.The call transaction updates will be instantaneous where as session needs to be processed explictly after creation.

Session Method

1) Session method supports both small amount of data aswell as large amount of data

2) data processing is asynchronus and data updation is synchronus.

3) it process multiple apllication while perfomaning validations.

4) in session method data will be updated in data base only after processing session only.

5) system provide by default logfile for handling error records.

6) it supports both foreground aswell as background process

in bdc we use FM ...
bdc_open_group " for creating Session
bdc_insert " adding transaction and bdcdata table for updating database
bdc_close_group " for closing Session

Call Transaction

1) Call transaction exclusively for small amout of data

2) it supports only one apllication while perfoming validations

3) there is no default logfile, We can explicitly provide logic for creating logfile for handling error records.
we can create logfile by using structure....BDCMSGCOLL

4) it doesn't support background processing.

5) data processing is synchronous and Data updation is Synchronous( default), in
this method also supports daya updation in asynchronus process also.


Call transaction <transaction-name> using BDCDATA
mode <A/N/E>
update <L/A/S>
messages into BDCMSGCOLL.
Batch Data Communication (BDC) is the process of transferring data from one SAP System to another SAP system or from a non-SAP system to SAP System.

Features :
BDC is an automatic procedure.
This method is used to transfer large amount of data that is available in electronic medium.
BDC can be used primarily when installing the SAP system and when transferring data from a legacy system (external system).
BDC uses normal transaction codes to transfer data.

Types of BDC :

This method is also called as ‘CLASSICAL METHOD’.
Asynchronous processing.
Synchronous Processing in database update.
Transfer data for more than one transaction.
Batch input processing log will be generated.
During processing, no transaction is started until the previous transaction has been written to the database.

This is another method to transfer data from the legacy system.

Synchronous processing. The system performs a database commit immediately before and after the CALL TRANSACTION USING statement.
Updating the database can be either synchronous or asynchronous. The program specifies the update type.
Transfer data for a single transaction.
Transfers data for a sequence of dialog screens.
No batch input processing log is generated.

Ready Code for Practice.....


Once you execute the program and it creates the session at SM35 Transaction.


Report : ZMPPC011
Type : Data upload
Author : Chetan Shah
Date : 05/05/2005
Transport : DV3K919557
Transaction: ??
Description: This ABAP/4 Program creates new Production Versions
(C223). It accepts tab-delimited spreadsheet input and
creates BDC sessions.

Modification Log
Date Programmer Request # Description

06/10/2005 Chetan Shah DV3K919557 Initial coding

report zmppc011 no standard page heading line-size 120 line-count 55
message-id zz.

pool of form routines
include zmppn001.

Define BDC Table Structure
data: begin of itab_bdc_tab occurs 0.
include structure bdcdata.
data: end of itab_bdc_tab.

Input record layout of Leagcy File
data: begin of itab_xcel occurs 0,
matnr(18) type c,
werks(4) type c,
alnag(2) type c,
verid(4) type c,
text1(40) type c,
bstmi like mkal-bstmi,
bstma like mkal-bstma,
adatu(10) type c,
bdatu(10) type c,
stlal(2) type c,
stlan(1) type c,
serkz(1) type c,
mdv01(8) type c,
elpro(4) type c,
alort(4) type c,
end of itab_xcel.

data: begin of lt_pp04_cache occurs 0,
matnr like itab_xcel-matnr,
werks like itab_xcel-werks,
alnag like itab_xcel-alnag,
plnnr like mapl-plnnr,
arbpl like crhd-arbpl,
ktext like crtx-ktext,
end of lt_pp04_cache.

data: v_ssnnr(4) type n,
v_lines_in_xcel like sy-tabix,
v_ssnname like apqi-groupid,
v_trans_in_ssn type i,

wa_xcel LIKE itab_xcel,
l_tabix like sy-tabix,
v_matnr like rc27m-matnr,
v_plnnr like mapl-plnnr,
v_plnal like mapl-plnal,
v_tcode like sy-tcode value 'C223',
v_plnty like plas-plnty value 'R',
v_objty like crhd-objty value 'A',
v_plpo_steus like plpo-steus value 'PP04',
v_verwe like crhd-verwe value '0007'.

selection-screen: skip 3.
selection-screen: begin of block 1 with frame.
parameters: p_name like rlgrap-filename
default 'C:\My Documents\InputFile.txt'

bdc session name prefix
p_bdcpfx(6) default 'ZPVCRT'

number for transction per BDC session
p_trnssn type i
default 2000 obligatory,

retain the BDC session after successfull execution
p_keep like apqi-qerase
default 'X',

user who will be executing BDC session
p_uname like apqi-userid
default sy-uname
selection-screen: end of block 1.

possible entry list (F4 dropdown) for input file name
at selection-screen on value-request for p_name.

call function 'WS_FILENAME_GET'

def_path = 'C:\Temp\'
mask = ',.,..'
mode = 'O'
title = 'Select File '(007)
filename = p_name

RC =
inv_winsys = 1
no_batch = 2
selection_cancel = 3
selection_error = 4
others = 5.

if sy-subrc 0.

MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

begin the show

read data from input file
perform transfer_xcel_to_itab.
loop at itab_xcel.

hang on to xcel line num
l_tabix = sy-tabix.

each line in the xcel file marks begining of new prod.version defn
if num-of-trnas-in-session = 0, create new BDC session
if v_trans_in_ssn is initial.
perform bdc_session_open.

begin new bdc script for rtg create trans
fill in bdc-data for prod.version maintenance screens
perform bdc_build_script.

insert the bdc script as a BDC transaction
perform bdc_submit_transaction.

keep track of how many BDC transactions were inserted in the BDC
add 1 to v_trans_in_ssn.

if the user-specified num of trans in BDC session is reached OR
if end of input file is reached, close the BDC session
if v_trans_in_ssn = p_trnssn or
l_tabix = v_lines_in_xcel.
perform bdc_session_close.
clear v_trans_in_ssn.


call function 'Z_HEADER'



Transfer Xcel Spreadsheet to SAP Internal Table *
form transfer_xcel_to_itab.

Read the tab-delimited file into itab
call function 'WS_UPLOAD'
filename = p_name
filetype = 'DAT'

filelength = flength
data_tab = itab_xcel
conversion_error = 1
file_open_error = 2
file_read_error = 3
invalid_table_width = 4
invalid_type = 5
no_batch = 6
unknown_error = 7
others = 8.
if sy-subrc = 0.

sort the data
sort itab_xcel by matnr werks.
clear v_lines_in_xcel.

if no data in the file - error out
describe table itab_xcel lines v_lines_in_xcel.
if v_lines_in_xcel is initial.
write: / 'No data in input file'.

if file upload failed - error out
write: / 'Error reading input file'.




Open BDC Session *
form bdc_session_open.

create bdc session name = prefix-from-selectn-screen + nnnn
add 1 to v_ssnnr.
concatenate p_bdcpfx v_ssnnr into v_ssnname.

open new bdc session
call function 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP'
client = sy-mandt
group = v_ssnname
keep = p_keep
user = p_uname
client_invalid = 1
destination_invalid = 2
group_invalid = 3
group_is_locked = 4
holddate_invalid = 5
internal_error = 6
queue_error = 7
running = 8
system_lock_error = 9
user_invalid = 10
others = 11.




Build BDC *
form bdc_build_script.

data: l_arbpl like crhd-arbpl,
l_text1 like mkal-text1,
l_mdv01 like mkal-mdv01,
l_mapl like mapl.

clear bdc-data itab - begin of new bdc transaction
clear itab_bdc_tab.
refresh itab_bdc_tab.

read material cross reference tables to determine sap part#
clear : v_matnr, v_plnnr, v_plnal.
perform read_matnr_cross_ref using itab_xcel-matnr
changing v_matnr.

determine the version description to use
if itab_xcel-text1 is initial.
l_text1 = itab_xcel-verid.
l_text1 = itab_xcel-text1.

determine the routing group# and group ctr# to use
perform read_routing .

determine the production line to use
if itab_xcel-mdv01 is initial.

if not provided in the file then:
prod line = work ctr on the last PP04 op of the rtg determined above
perform read_wc_on_last_pp04 using v_plnnr v_plnal
changing l_mdv01.

NOTE: when executing the above form\routine, if v_plnnr is initial
or v_plnal is initial, THEN l_mdv01 will automatically be
returned blank (ie initial)
l_mdv01 = itab_xcel-mdv01.


build bdc script
perform bdc_build_script_record

fill in initial screen
using: 'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '1000',
' ' 'MKAL-WERKS' itab_xcel-werks,
' ' 'MKAL-MATNR' v_matnr,
' ' 'MKAL_ADMIN-DISPO' space,
' ' 'MKAL-PLNNR' space,
' ' 'MKAL_ADMIN-STTAG' space,
' ' 'MKAL-PLNNG' space,
' ' 'MKAL-MDV01' space,
' ' 'MKAL-PLNNM' space,

click create button on initial screen and go to detail screen
'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '1000',

fill in the detail screen and go back to initial screen
'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '2000',
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-MATNR' v_matnr,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-VERID' itab_xcel-verid,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-TEXT1' l_text1,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-BSTMI' itab_xcel-bstmi,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-BSTMA' itab_xcel-bstma,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ADATU' itab_xcel-adatu,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-BDATU' itab_xcel-bdatu,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-PLTYG' v_plnty,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-PLNNG' v_plnnr,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ALNAG' v_plnal,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-STLAL' itab_xcel-stlal,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-STLAN' itab_xcel-stlan,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-SERKZ' itab_xcel-serkz,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-MDV01' l_mdv01,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ELPRO' itab_xcel-elpro,
' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ALORT' itab_xcel-alort,

save the production version from initial screen
'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '1000',




Submit BDC Session *
form bdc_submit_transaction.

Load BDC script as a trqansction in BDC session
call function 'BDC_INSERT'
tcode = v_tcode
dynprotab = itab_bdc_tab
internal_error = 01
not_open = 02
queue_error = 03
tcode_invalid = 04.



form bdc_build_script_record using dynbegin name value.

clear itab_bdc_tab.
if dynbegin = 'X'.
move: name to itab_bdc_tab-program,
value to itab_bdc_tab-dynpro,
'X' to itab_bdc_tab-dynbegin.
move: name to itab_bdc_tab-fnam,
value to itab_bdc_tab-fval.
shift itab_bdc_tab-fval left deleting leading space.

append itab_bdc_tab.




Close BDC Session *
form bdc_session_close.

close the session
call function 'BDC_CLOSE_GROUP'
not_open = 1
queue_error = 2
others = 3.

skip 2.
if sy-subrc ne 0.
write: / 'Error Closing BDC Session ' , 'RETURN CODE: ', sy-subrc.
write : / 'Session created:', v_ssnname,
50 '# of transactions:', v_trans_in_ssn.

*& Form read_routing_cache
*FORM read_routing_cache USING pi_matnr


vornr LIKE plpo-vornr,
objty LIKE crhd-objty,
objid LIKE crhd-objid,
arbpl LIKE crhd-arbpl,
END OF lt_plpo,
l_mapl_plnnr LIKE mapl-plnnr.

determine the routing group#
CLEAR lt_pp04_cache.
chk if its in the cache first, if not then get it from MAPL table
and put it in the cache
READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
werks = pi_werks
alnag = pi_alnag.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
do nothing - lt_pp04_cache header line has rtg#
get the routing group # from MAPL
SELECT plnnr INTO l_mapl_plnnr
WHERE matnr = pi_matnr AND
werks = pi_werks AND
plnty = 'R' AND
plnal = pi_alnag AND
loekz = space.
put it in the cache internal table
IF NOT l_mapl_plnnr IS INITIAL.
lt_pp04_cache-matnr = pi_matnr.
lt_pp04_cache-werks = pi_werks.
lt_pp04_cache-alnag = pi_alnag.
lt_pp04_cache-plnnr = l_mapl_plnnr.
APPEND lt_pp04_cache.

if the rtg# was determined AND
-- the work center was not determined yet AND
-- work center was really needed for this line in the input file
-- read the work center from last PP04 operation on the routing
-- update the cache accordingly

IF NOT lt_pp04_cache-plnnr IS INITIAL AND
lt_pp04_cache-arbpl IS INITIAL AND
( pi_verid IS INITIAL OR
pi_mdv01 IS INITIAL ).

read the last PP04 operation
CLEAR lt_plpo.
REFRESH lt_plpo.
SELECT vornr eobjty eobjid e~arbpl
FROM plas AS b
ON bplnty = cplnty AND
bplnnr = cplnnr AND
bzaehl = czaehl
ON carbid = eobjid
WHERE b~plnty = v_plnty AND
b~plnnr = lt_pp04_cache-plnnr AND
b~plnal = lt_pp04_cache-alnag AND
c~loekz = space AND
c~steus = v_plpo_steus AND
e~objty = v_objty AND
e~werks = lt_pp04_cache-werks AND
e~verwe = v_verwe.
SORT lt_plpo BY vornr DESCENDING.

IF NOT lt_plpo-arbpl IS INITIAL.
lt_pp04_cache-arbpl = lt_plpo-arbpl.
read work center description
SELECT SINGLE ktext INTO lt_pp04_cache-ktext
FROM crtx WHERE objty = lt_plpo-objty AND
objid = lt_plpo-objid AND
spras = sy-langu.
the following read will get the index of the correct record to be
updated in the cache
READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache
WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
werks = pi_werks
alnag = pi_alnag.
MODIFY lt_pp04_cache
INDEX sy-tabix
TRANSPORTING arbpl ktext.
*ENDFORM. " read_last_pp04_operation_cache
*& Form read_routing
form read_routing.

data: begin of lt_mapl occurs 0,
plnnr like mapl-plnnr,
plnal like mapl-plnal,
end of lt_mapl,
l_arbpl like crhd-arbpl.

get all the rtg# and grp ctr# from MAPL
select plnnr plnal
into corresponding fields of table lt_mapl
from mapl
where matnr = v_matnr and
werks = itab_xcel-werks and
plnty = v_plnty and "Rate Routing
loekz = space. "with del flag = OFF
sort lt_mapl by plnal.

if not itab_xcel-verid is initial.

if the verid=0001 then use the 1st good rtg-grp# and grp-ctr#
if itab_xcel-verid = '0001'.
read table lt_mapl index 1.
v_plnnr = lt_mapl-plnnr.
v_plnal = lt_mapl-plnal.

if the verid0001 then use the rtg-grp# and grp-ctr# of the routing
whose work center on the last PP04 operation matches the given verid
loop at lt_mapl.
clear l_arbpl.

get the work center from the last PP04 operation
perform read_wc_on_last_pp04 using lt_mapl-plnnr
changing l_arbpl.
if itab_xcel-verid = l_arbpl.
v_plnnr = lt_mapl-plnnr.
v_plnal = lt_mapl-plnal.

do nothing

For version IDs that are other then '0000' or 'ZWIP' :--
if itab_xcel-verid NE '0000' and
itab_xcel-verid NE 'ZWIP'.

if routing group# or group counter was not determined, make the
valid-to date 99/99/9999 so that the BDC, on execution, errors out.
if v_plnnr is initial or
v_plnal is initial.
itab_xcel-bdatu = '99/99/9999'.

determine the routing group#
CLEAR lt_pp04_cache.
chk if its in the cache first, if not then get it from MAPL table
and put it in the cache
READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
werks = pi_werks
alnag = pi_alnag.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
do nothing - lt_pp04_cache header line has rtg#
get the routing group # from MAPL
put it in the cache internal table
IF NOT l_mapl_plnnr IS INITIAL.
lt_pp04_cache-matnr = pi_matnr.
lt_pp04_cache-werks = pi_werks.
lt_pp04_cache-alnag = pi_alnag.
lt_pp04_cache-plnnr = l_mapl_plnnr.
APPEND lt_pp04_cache.

if the rtg# was determined AND
-- the work center was not determined yet AND
-- work center was really needed for this line in the input file
-- read the work center from last PP04 operation on the routing
-- update the cache accordingly

IF NOT lt_pp04_cache-plnnr IS INITIAL AND
lt_pp04_cache-arbpl IS INITIAL AND
( pi_verid IS INITIAL OR
pi_mdv01 IS INITIAL ).

read the last PP04 operation
CLEAR lt_plpo.
REFRESH lt_plpo.
SELECT vornr eobjty eobjid e~arbpl
FROM plas AS b
ON bplnty = cplnty AND
bplnnr = cplnnr AND
bzaehl = czaehl
ON carbid = eobjid
WHERE b~plnty = v_plnty AND
b~plnnr = lt_pp04_cache-plnnr AND
b~plnal = lt_pp04_cache-alnag AND
c~loekz = space AND
c~steus = v_plpo_steus AND
e~objty = v_objty AND
e~werks = lt_pp04_cache-werks AND
e~verwe = v_verwe.
SORT lt_plpo BY vornr DESCENDING.

IF NOT lt_plpo-arbpl IS INITIAL.
lt_pp04_cache-arbpl = lt_plpo-arbpl.
read work center description
SELECT SINGLE ktext INTO lt_pp04_cache-ktext
FROM crtx WHERE objty = lt_plpo-objty AND
objid = lt_plpo-objid AND
spras = sy-langu.
the following read will get the index of the correct record to be
updated in the cache
READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache
WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
werks = pi_werks
alnag = pi_alnag.
MODIFY lt_pp04_cache
INDEX sy-tabix
TRANSPORTING arbpl ktext.

endform. " read_last_pp04_operation_cache
*& Form read_wc_on_last_pp04
form read_wc_on_last_pp04 using pi_plnnr
changing pe_arbpl.

data: begin of lt_plpo occurs 0,
vornr like plpo-vornr,
objty like crhd-objty,
objid like crhd-objid,
arbpl like crhd-arbpl,
end of lt_plpo.

get all the PP04 operations for the given rtg# & grp-ctr#
select vornr eobjty eobjid e~arbpl
into corresponding fields of table lt_plpo
from plas as b
inner join plpo as c
on bplnty = cplnty and
bplnnr = cplnnr and
bzaehl = czaehl
inner join crhd as e
on carbid = eobjid
where b~plnty = v_plnty and "Rate Routing
b~plnnr = pi_plnnr and
b~plnal = pi_plnal and
c~loekz = space and "Oper Del Flag = OFF
c~steus = v_plpo_steus and "PP04
e~objty = v_objty. "WC Obj Type = 'A'

read the last operation
sort lt_plpo by vornr descending.
read table lt_plpo index 1.
pe_arbpl = lt_plpo-arbpl.

endform. " read_wc_on_last_pp04

Monday 17 August 2015

SAP ALV using tree Concept SAP ALV reports

 & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
* &   R e p o r t     Z _ S i m p l e t r e e                                                                                   *
* &   A u t h o r   :   S w a r n a . S .                                                                                       *
* &   P u b l i s h e d   a t   S A P T e c h n i c a l . C O M
* & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
* &   A S   :   S i m p l e   t r e e   r e p o r t   u s i n g   R S _ T R E E _ C O N S T R U C T                             *
* &   a n d   R S _ T R E E _ L I S T _ D I S P L A Y   u p t o   6   l e v e l s                                               *
* & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
R E P O R T     z _ s i m p l e t r e e .
*   t y p e   p o o l   d e c l a r a t i o n s   f o r   t r e e
T Y P E - P O O L S   :   f i b s , s t r e e .
* D a t a   d e c l a r a t i o n   f o r   a d d i t i o n a l   n o d e   i n f o r m a t i o n
D A T A   :   t _ n o d e   T Y P E   s n o d e t e x t .
* I n t e r n a l   t a b l e   a n d   w a   d e c l   f o r   n o d e s
D A T A   :   i t _ n o d e   L I K E   T A B L E   O F   t _ n o d e   I N I T I A L   S I Z E   0 ,
w a _ n o d e   L I K E   t _ n o d e .
* I n t e r n a l   t a b l e   a n d   w a   d e c l   f o r   E d u c a t i o n   t a b l e   P A 0 0 2 2
D A T A   :   i t _ 0 0 2 2   T Y P E   S T A N D A R D   T A B L E   O F   p a 0 0 2 2   I N I T I A L   S I Z E   0 ,
w a _ 0 0 2 2   T Y P E   p a 0 0 2 2 .
* I n t e r n a l   t a b l e   a n d   w a   d e c l   f o r   t e x t   t a b l e   t 5 1 7 x
D A T A   :   i t _ 5 1 7 x   T Y P E   S T A N D A R D   T A B L E   O F   t 5 1 7 x   I N I T I A L   S I Z E   0 ,
w a _ 5 1 7 x   T Y P E   t 5 1 7 x .
* I n t e r n a l   t a b l e   a n d   w a   d e c l   f o r   t e x t   t a b l e   t 5 1 7 T
D A T A   :   i t _ 5 1 7 t   T Y P E   S T A N D A R D   T A B L E   O F   t 5 1 7 t   I N I T I A L   S I Z E   0 ,
w a _ 5 1 7 t   T Y P E   t 5 1 7 t .
* I n t e r n a l   t a b l e   a n d   w a   d e c l   f o r   t e x t   t a b l e   t 5 1 9 T
D A T A   :   i t _ 5 1 9 t   T Y P E   S T A N D A R D   T A B L E   O F   t 5 1 9 t   I N I T I A L   S I Z E   0 ,
w a _ 5 1 9 t   T Y P E   t 5 1 9 t .
* i n i t i a l i z a t i o n   e v e n t
I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N .
* S t a r t   o f   s e l e c t i o n     e v e n t
S T A R T - O F - S E L E C T I O N .
* S e l e c t   t h e   d a t a   f o r   t r e e
P E R F O R M   f e t c h _ d a t a .
* B u i l d   t h e   h i e r a r c h y   f o r   t r e e
P E R F O R M   b u i l d _ h i e r a r c h y .
* B u i l d   T r e e   f o r   d i s p l a y
P E R F O R M   b u i l d _ t r e e .
* & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
* &             F o r m     f e t c h _ d a t a
* & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
*               t e x t

* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
*     - - >     p 1                 t e x t
*     < - -     p 2                 t e x t
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
F O R M   f e t c h _ d a t a   .
* s e l e c t   d a t a   f r o m   P A 0 0 2 2
S E L E C T   *   F R O M   p a 0 0 2 2   I N T O   C O R R E S P O N D I N G   F I E L D S   O F   T A B L E   i t _ 0 0 2 2
U P   T O   5 0   R O W S .
* s e l e c t   d a t a   f r o m   T 5 1 7 x
S E L E C T   *   F R O M   t 5 1 7 x   I N T O   C O R R E S P O N D I N G   F I E L D S   O F   T A B L E   i t _ 5 1 7 x
W H E R E   l a n g u   =   ' E ' .
* s e l e c t   d a t a   f r o m   T 5 1 7 T
S E L E C T   *   F R O M   t 5 1 7 t   I N T O   C O R R E S P O N D I N G   F I E L D S   O F   T A B L E   i t _ 5 1 7 t
W H E R E   s p r s l   =   ' E ' .
* s e l e c t   d a t a   f r o m   T 5 1 9 t
S E L E C T   *   F R O M   t 5 1 9 t   I N T O   C O R R E S P O N D I N G   F I E L D S   O F   T A B L E   i t _ 5 1 9 t
W H E R E   s p r s l   =   ' E ' .
E N D F O R M .                                         "   f e t c h _ d a t a
* & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
* &             F o r m     b u i l d _ h i e r a r c h y
* & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
*               t e x t
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
*     - - >     p 1                 t e x t
*     < - -     p 2                 t e x t
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
F O R M   b u i l d _ h i e r a r c h y   .
* B u i l d i n g   t h e   n o d e s   a n d   h i e r a r c h y   f o r   t r e e
C L E A R   :   i t _ n o d e [ ] ,   w a _ n o d e .
w a _ n o d e - t y p e   =   ' T ' .
w a _ n o d e - n a m e   =   ' E d u c a t i o n ' .
w a _ n o d e - t l e v e l   =   ' 0 1 ' .
w a _ n o d e - n l e n g t h   =   ' 1 5 ' .
w a _ n o d e - c o l o r   =   ' 4 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t e x t   =   ' I n f o t y p e   0 0 2 2 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t l e n g t h   = ' 2 0 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t c o l o r   =   3 .
A P P E N D   w a _ n o d e   T O   i t _ n o d e .
C L E A R   w a _ n o d e .
* F i l l i n g   t h e   v a l u e s   o f   i n t e r n a l   t a b l e   i n t o   t r e e
L O O P   A T   i t _ 0 0 2 2   I N T O   w a _ 0 0 2 2 .
w a _ n o d e - t y p e   =   ' P ' .
w a _ n o d e - n a m e   =   ' P E R N R ' .
w a _ n o d e - t l e v e l   =   ' 0 2 ' .
w a _ n o d e - n l e n g t h   =   ' 8 ' .
w a _ n o d e - c o l o r   =   ' 1 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t e x t   =   w a _ 0 0 2 2 - p e r n r .
w a _ n o d e - t l e n g t h   = ' 2 0 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t c o l o r   =   4 .
A P P E N D   w a _ n o d e   T O   i t _ n o d e .
C L E A R   w a _ n o d e .
* F i l l i n g   t h e   t e x t   o f   T 5 1 7 t
R E A D   T A B L E   i t _ 5 1 7 t   I N T O   w a _ 5 1 7 t   W I T H   K E Y   s l a r t   =   w a _ 0 0 2 2 - s l a r t .
w a _ n o d e - t y p e   =   ' P ' .
w a _ n o d e - n a m e   =   w a _ 0 0 2 2 - s l a r t .
w a _ n o d e - t l e v e l   =   ' 0 3 ' .
w a _ n o d e - n l e n g t h   =   ' 8 ' .
w a _ n o d e - c o l o r   =   ' 1 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t e x t   =   w a _ 5 1 7 t - s t e x t .
w a _ n o d e - t l e n g t h   = ' 4 0 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t c o l o r   =   4 .
A P P E N D   w a _ n o d e   T O   i t _ n o d e .
C L E A R   w a _ n o d e .

* F i l l i n g   t h e   t e x t   o f   T 5 1 9 t
R E A D   T A B L E   i t _ 5 1 9 t   I N T O   w a _ 5 1 9 t   W I T H   K E Y   s l a b s   =   w a _ 0 0 2 2 - s l a b s .
w a _ n o d e - t y p e   =   ' P ' .
w a _ n o d e - n a m e   =   w a _ 0 0 2 2 - s l a b s .
w a _ n o d e - t l e v e l   =   ' 0 4 ' .
w a _ n o d e - n l e n g t h   =   ' 8 ' .
w a _ n o d e - c o l o r   =   ' 2 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t e x t   =   w a _ 5 1 9 t - s t e x t .
w a _ n o d e - t l e n g t h   = ' 4 0 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t c o l o r   =   4 .
A P P E N D   w a _ n o d e   T O   i t _ n o d e .
C L E A R   w a _ n o d e .
* F i l l i n g   t h e   t e x t   o f   T 5 1 7 x
R E A D   T A B L E   i t _ 5 1 7 x   I N T O   w a _ 5 1 7 x   W I T H   K E Y   f a a r t   =   w a _ 0 0 2 2 - s l t p 1 .
w a _ n o d e - t y p e   =   ' P ' .
w a _ n o d e - n a m e   =   w a _ 0 0 2 2 - s l t p 1 .
w a _ n o d e - t l e v e l   =   ' 0 5 ' .
w a _ n o d e - n l e n g t h   =   ' 8 ' .
w a _ n o d e - c o l o r   =   ' 1 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t e x t   =   w a _ 5 1 7 x - f t e x t .
w a _ n o d e - t l e n g t h   = ' 4 0 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t c o l o r   =   4 .
A P P E N D   w a _ n o d e   T O   i t _ n o d e .
C L E A R   w a _ n o d e .
w a _ n o d e - t y p e   =   ' P ' .
w a _ n o d e - n a m e   =   w a _ 0 0 2 2 - z z p e r .
w a _ n o d e - t l e v e l   =   ' 0 6 ' .
w a _ n o d e - n l e n g t h   =   ' 8 ' .
w a _ n o d e - c o l o r   =   ' 1 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t e x t   =   ' %   C o m p l e t e d ' .
w a _ n o d e - t l e n g t h   = ' 1 5 ' .
w a _ n o d e - t c o l o r   =   4 .
A P P E N D   w a _ n o d e   T O   i t _ n o d e .
C L E A R   w a _ n o d e .
E N D L O O P .
E N D F O R M .                                         "   b u i l d _ h i e r a r c h y
* & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
* &             F o r m     b u i l d _ t r e e
* & - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
*               t e x t
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
*     - - >     p 1                 t e x t
*     < - -     p 2                 t e x t
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
F O R M   b u i l d _ t r e e   .
* F m   f o r   c o n s t r u c t i n g   t h e   t r e e
C A L L   F U N C T I O N   ' R S _ T R E E _ C O N S T R U C T '
n o d e t a b   =   i t _ n o d e .
I F   s y - s u b r c   < >   0 .
*   M E S S A G E   I D   S Y - M S G I D   T Y P E   S Y - M S G T Y   N U M B E R   S Y - M S G N O
*                   W I T H   S Y - M S G V 1   S Y - M S G V 2   S Y - M S G V 3   S Y - M S G V 4 .
E N D I F .
* F M   f o r   d i s p l a y i n g   t h e   t r e e
C A L L   F U N C T I O N   ' R S _ T R E E _ L I S T _ D I S P L A Y '
c a l l b a c k _ p r o g r a m           =   s y - r e p i d
c h e c k _ d u p l i c a t e _ n a m e   =   ' 1 '
c o l o r _ o f _ n o d e                 =   ' 4 '
c o l o r _ o f _ m a r k                 =   ' 3 '
c o l o r _ o f _ l i n k                 =   ' 1 '
c o l o r _ o f _ m a t c h               =   ' 5 '
n o d e _ l e n g t h                     =   3 0
t e x t _ l e n g t h                     =   7 5

How to Install SAP EHS Server (WWI) and Maintain it. If you're a client looking for individuals to get it done feel free to contact me

Reason and Prerequisites
You want to install Component Extension 2.0 for SAP EHS Management.
Pre-requisite for Component Extension 2.0 for SAP EHS Management is ERP EHP 5 for software components EA-APPL and SAP_APPL.

You have the following installation options:
  1. 1. You already have ERP 6.0 EHP5 installed for software components EA-APPL and SAP_APPL: Install Component Extension 2.0 for SAP EHS Management via SAINT
  1. 2. You need to upgrade your ERP 6.0 software components EA-APPL and SAP_APPL towards EHP5: Include the installation of Component Extension 2.0 for SAP EHS Management into the upgrade of your ERP 6.0 to EHP 5 via SAPephI/MOPZ.


This note is updated on a regular basis. Make sure you have the current version of this note before you start the installation.

1. Change history
2. Prerequisites for installing the EHSM 200
3. Preparing the EHSM 200 installation
4. Executing the EHSM 200 installation
5. After you have installed the EHSM 200
6. Language support
7. Password
8. Known issues
9. Additional information
  1. 1. Change history

  1. 2. Prerequisites for installing the EHSM 200
  • It is not possible to uninstall EHSM 200.
Before you install the EHSM 200, keep in mind that you cannot uninstall ABAP add-ons.
Further restrictions that concern the upgrade and maintenance of your SAP system and that occur as a result of installing an add-on are described in release strategy note 1489703.
  • Required release:
    • EHSM 200 can be installed via SAINT on the system which is on ERP 6.05 for software components EA-APPL and SAP_APPL.
    • EHSM 200 can also be installed along with ERP 6.05 using SAPephI/MOPZ.
  • Import the latest R3trans and tp. Ensure that you have imported the latest kernel version into you system. If a newer version is available on SAP Service Marketplace import the most recent kernel.
  • Obtain the following notes before you begin the installation:
    Add-ons: Conditions: 70228
    Release strategy Note: 1489703
    Problems with transaction SAINT: 822380
  • Prerequisites for EHSM 200.
    Check that your system meets the following prerequisites:
    Required Components and Support Packages
      Component      Release    Support Package
EA-APPL         605      SAPK-60505INEAAPPL
SAP_APPL        605      SAPKH60505
WEBCUIF         701      SAPK-70105INWEBCUIF
SAP_BS_FND      702      SAPK-70206INSAPBSFND
SAP_ABA         702      SAPKA70208
SAP_BASIS       702       SAPKB70208

If you have not yet installed these Component Support Package, you can include them in the installation of EHSM 200. For more information, see Note 83458.
  • Additional Component Support Packages
  • Required SAP Industry Solutions
  • Additional information about the installation:
    CD material number add-on installation - 51041490.
  1. 3. Preparing the EHSM 200 installation
  • Making the Add-On EHSM 200 available
    The installation CD for EHSM 200 is not automatically sent to all customers. Request the CD with material number 51041490 from your local subsidiary or download the CD from SAP Service Marketplace.
    • Log on as user:
                    < sid>adm on UNIX
< SID>OFR on IBM i (previously i5/OS or OS/400)
    • adm on Microsoft Windows
    • Switch to the directory of your SAP system usually /usr/sap/trans/EPS). The directory is also displayed under DIR_EPS_ROOT after you execute the RSPFPAR report.
    • Go to the higher-level directory of .
    • Unpack the SAR archive K-200AGINEHSM.SAR on the CD with the following statement:
 IBM i (previously i5/OS or OS/400):
 Microsoft Windows:
The CSR0120031469_0057240.PAT file should now be in the /in directory.
  1. 4. Executing the EHSM 200 installation
  • User to be used
    Log on to your SAP system in client 000 as a user with SAP_ALL authorization. Do NOT use the SAP* or DDIC users.
  • Display the add-on installation package:
    Call transaction SAINT and choose 'Start' and 'Load'. After the list of uploaded packages is displayed, you can return to the initial screen of transaction SAINT by choosing F3 or 'Back'.
  • Starting the installation.
    The add-on EHSM 200 can be installed
    • on an ERP 6.05
    • on an ERP 6.05 along with the ERP 6.05 in one step
  • Call transaction SAINT and choose 'Start'. Select the Add-On EHSM 200 and choose "Continue". If all of the necessary conditions for importing the add-on have been fulfilled, the system will now display the relevant queue. The queue consists of the installation package, and it may also contain Support Packages and Add-On Support Packages. To start the installation process, choose 'Continue'. For more information, call transaction SAINT and choose 'Info' on the application toolbar.
  • To install EHSM 200 along ERP 6.05, refer to Release strategy note 1489703. The general procedure for Enhancement Packages is described in the Enhancement Package Installation Guide.Ensure that you use the most recent version of SAPehpi, which is provided on SAP Service Marketplace.
    For more information on SAPehpi, refer to note 1251735.

  1. 5. After you have installed the EHSM 200
  • Importing Support Packages after the installation
    Not required
  • Generation errors
    No generation error
  • Delivery Customizing
    Delivery Customizing is imported into client 000 and may need to be copied to other clients. For more information, see Note 337623.
  1. 6. Language support
    In addition to German and English, the following languages are supported by EHSM 200:
    Russ ian
    Chinese trad.
  • All the language-dependent parts of EHSM are contained in the installation package of the add-on. If the relevant standard language exists in the system when you import EHSM, the language part of the add-on is automatically imported. For new language, you need to import a language transport separately.

    Note: whenever you plan to use EHSM together with languages requiring non-ANSI characters(like e.g.Hebrew, Arabic, Japenese, Chinese, Korean) a non-unicode system is not supported.
    Refer to note 73606 for detailed information on Supported Languages and Code Pages in general.
  • If you import a new standard language into your system after installing the EHSM, you must manually ensure that the corresponding language-dependent part of the add-on is imported. See Note 195442 for further information.
  1. 7. Password: 
    If the transaction SAINT is used to install the add-on: EHSM 200, the system prompts you to enter a password. This password for the package is mentioned below:
    SAPK-200AGINEHSM - 5944A4042D
  2. 8. Known issues:

  3. For EHSM 200, Please activate all the WebDynpros services below the node: /default_host/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/. All EHFND* and EHHSS* services needs to be activated. For more information, refer to note 1088717.

    Along with WebDynpros services, the NWBC runtime node on the path /sap/bc/nwbc also needs to be activated.
    Refer to link:

    Shared Memory:
    The size of shared memory should be about 250 MB. The usage of shared memory can be monitored in transaction SHMM.

  4. 9. Additional Information:
    EHSM 200 is also compatible on EHP6 for SAP ERP 6.0. You can install on SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6.