Tuesday, 18 August 2015

SAP Classical Reports Event Interview Questions ABAP Events Report

Hi Guys ,

From a theoretical point of viw this is often one of the most asked Interview questions while appying for an ABAPers Job. please learn it by heart if you want a crack at the interview.

Events in Classical Reports
Below are the list and sequence of events available under classical reports, each event has it`s own importance .


This event is used to load program into memory for execution and this is the first event in execution sequence.


This event is used to initialize variables, screen default values and other default actions.

At Selection-Screen output

By using this event we can manipulate dynamic selection-screen changes.

At Selection-Screen on field

This event is used to validate a single selection-screen input parameter.
Syntax: AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON <parameter name>. "Validate a input parameter 

At Selection-Screen on value request

This event is used to provide value help ( field help ) for a input field.
Syntax: AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE REQUEST FOR <parameter name>. "Input search help for a input parameters 

At Selection-Screen on help request

By using this event we can provide F1 help for a input field.
Syntax: AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON HELP REQUEST FOR <parameter name>. "Input (F1) help for a input parameters 

At Selection-Screen

This event is used to validate multiple input fields
Syntax: AT SELECTION-SCREEN . "used to validate multiple input fields 


This is default event which is used to write actual business logic .
Syntax: START-OF-SELECTION . "Default event 


We can use this event just to state that start-of-selection is ended, this event is used with logical databases, logical databases are in HR ABAP only. In normal ABAP we don`t have much importance .
Syntax: END-OF-SELECTION . "Start of selection is ended 


This event prints constant heading for all pages.
Syntax: TOP-OF-PAGE . "Page heading 


This event prints constant footer for all pages.
Before using this event, we need to reserve some lines for displaying footer .
Syntax: END-OF-PAGE . "Page footer 
Example: REPORT ZPROGRAM LINE-COUNT 27(3). " Here we reserve 3 lines for footer 

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