Saturday, 5 November 2016

Why Arnab Goswami left Times Now ??

Arnab Goswami, the vociferous Times Now news anchor whose jingoistic tenor, a habit acquired during his days as a schoolroom debater, helped him amass a large constituency of devotees (and detractors), left the channel following differences with its owners, the Jains - Sameer, Vineet Kumar and Raj - of Bennett Coleman & Co, Ltd, according to those familiar with parleys leading up to his resignation

There were occasions, it is reliably learnt, when BCCL executives, headed by CEO Raj Jain, flagged a few "editorial positions” taken by Goswami; these were deemed "not in sync with management". One such instance pertains to calls from various political and provincial factions to ban Pakistani actors from working in India, following attacks by Pakistan-backed militants in Uri, Jammu and Kashmir. On October 6, BCCL Managing Director Vineet Jain tweeted in support of actors from across the border.

This was a view at variance with the one expounded by Goswami on his 9 pm show, The Newshour. Later, when a guest on the show drew the anchor's attention to Vineet Jain's tweet, Goswami replied that he hews to a nationalist position that is his own and does not abide by the diktats of "others". This was the first visible indicator of friction between the Jains and Goswami.Added to this was the growing resentment between Goswami and a host of political parties, including the Congress, whose leaders often complained to the Jains that Goswami, especially in recent times, was "unnecessarily showcasing" a particular right-wing inclination. But the Jains, who have long favoured ratings over editorial probity, refused to reign in Goswami; what chafed more, perhaps, were calls made by Goswami to take an "ownership position" at Times Now, a demand its owners deemed untenable and unjustified.
Sources within the network told this writer matters came to a head not too long ago, and that both the Jains and their mercurial employee began developing an exit plan. According to one insider, top-level meetings were held at a "Himalayan retreat of the Jains" to find a replacement for The Newshour anchor.
One day, quite recently, Goswami, who sheds his bombastic studio persona while outside it, gathered a small band of loyalists and broke the news to them, hinting that “the game has just begun”. A clip of the speech, which was uploaded to YouTube, has been viewed by over 200,000 people. Unfortunately, it ends abruptly, an indication Goswami asked his colleagues not to record his statement.

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